A 21 years old man with a great passion for programming, communicating, research, learn and do more about software and website, looking forward to become an intern at FPT Software. Have a growth mindset, always try hard to improve knowledge to become better in order to contribute for the society and the corporations I worked for. Has 5 years of experience in 1 full time job, many part time jobs and social works.
High Quality Product
On Time Project Delivery
Communicating with students as well as communicating with customers, I always try to reach agreement on customer requirements, make customers happy. Obtaining and understanding the needs of customers, that is always my top criteria.
Completed 4 projects using programming languages during learning with teammates.
Can work and adapt in any working environment, create products that help the company as well as to improve myself. Working with many customers to gain a better understanding of software requirements.
2020 - 2021
2020 - 2021
2021 - 2022
2021 - 2022
2021 - 2022
2021 -2022